Изложба Миодрага Мише Перића и Сарантиса Гагаса у Блок галерији
У новобеоградској Блок галерији, Јурија Гагарина 221, у петак, 9.марта, с почетком у 19 часова, биће отворена изложба слика аутора Миодрага Мише Перића и Сарантиса Гагаса.
Миодраг Миша Перић, рођен (1966), живи и ради у Новом Саду (Србија). Дипломирао је (1997) на Академији уметности у Новом Саду (одсек: вајање). Члан је Удружења европских уметника у Есену (Немачка) и
Удружења ликовних уметника Војводине, СУЛУВ-а.
Колекције: Његови радови се налазе у приватним колекцијама и музејима широм света, као и у јавним просторима.
Важније изложбе и симпозијуми (после 2009):
2018. Artrooms,international art fair for independent artists,Roma,Italy,group exhibition
2017. Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina,Autumn Salon,Novi Sad,Serbia,group
Exhibition OTE Gallery, Thessaloniki / Greece, solo exhibition Balkan Art gallery, Xanthi / Greece,
solo exhibition Artrooms, London / United Kingdom, International Fair for Independent Artists
2016. Grid Art Fair, London / United Kingdom / Gallery SKC,Novi Sad / Serbia, solo exhibition
Gallery du Colombier, Paris / France, solo exhibition / Marine Tanguy Art , Art Conference,
London / United Kingdom Artrooms,London / United Kingdom, International Fair for
Independent Artists
2016: London, UK, Artrooms, International Fair for Independent Artists, Exhibition
2016: London, UK, Marine Tanguy Art Conference, Institute for Contemporary Art, London,
2014: Antwerp, Belgium, Gallery Campo & Campo, with Damien McGinley
2014: Thessaloniki, Greece, Paradeisos bath (Bey hamam), group exhibition,
instalation by Vlassis gallery
2014: Changchun, China, 15th sculptors symposium
2014: Paris, France, Gallerie du collombier, solo exhibition
2014: Gallery Blok, Belgrade, Serbia, sculptures, solo exhibition
2013: Berlin, Prima Center, Das ist Walter, Group Exhibition
2013: Paris, France, Gallery Colombier
2013: EAA Symposium, European Artists Association, Essen, Germany
2013: Cavafy Museum – Cavafy home, Alexandria, Egypt
2012: Berlin, BAC 1st, Berlin Art Club
2011: International Symposium for sculptors and painters, Shree guru vidya peetha
College, Karnataka state, India
2011: EAA Symposium, European Artists Association, Essen, Germany,
2011: Gallery SKC, Belgrade, Serbia, solo exhibition, sculptures, catalogue
2011: Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad, Serbia, solo exhibition, catalogue
2010: International sculptors symposium IN VIVO, Novi Sad, Serbia
2009: International Sculptors Symposium MEANDER, Apatin, Serbia
2009: Art director, 1. International Sculptors Symposium IN VIVO, Novi Sad, Serbia
2009: Gallery Prima Center Berlin, solo exhibition, sculptures, catalogue
Sarantis Gagas
Born (1966) lives and works at Thessaloniki.
Exhibits internationally since 1989 . Among his work presentation emphasize on his participation
at 25th Alexandria biennale “aftermath’’ 2009-2010, at 15th Lulea biennale-Sweden 2011 and to
the 1st Sofia Paper Art Biennale, as his solo exhibition”Logos-Chronos’’ at the Archeological
Museum of Thessaloniki at 2013. In collaboration with Land Art Delft Foundation –Holland
complete a triptych of Land Art installations (2012-“Landscape as a memory”,2014- “the garden
of Epicurus” and 2016- “Topos”)
Solo Exhibition (after 2010):
2016: “Uninterrupted thread”, Gallery Balkan Art ,Xanthi,Greece
2016: Cultural Center of contemporary art, Novi Sad , Serbia (with sculptor Miodrag Peric)
2016: Gallery Anixis, Baden,Swiss
2016:’’Equivocal Word” ,Lola Nicolaou gallery,Thessaloniki, Greece
2015: “The polysemic cocoons”, Technohoros art gallery, Athens, Greece.
2014: “Words of Wisdom”, Lola Nicolaou gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2013: Windows art gallery – Greek Telecommunication Center OTE-, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2013: Archeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Greece.
2013: Gallery Anixis, with A. Sieber, Baden, Switzerland.
2012: Technohoros Art Gallery, with A. Thulin, Athens, Greece.
2011: Gallery Orfeos 20, Xanthi, Greece
2011: Unesco gallery, with R. Ceckauskaite and N. Terzis, Vilnious, Lithuania.
2010: World Art Delft, with W. Brenner, Holland.
2010: Gallery Anixis, Baden, Switzerland.
Selected group exhibition (after 2010):
2017: Thessaloniki national center of contemporary art ,The right to be human,Greece
2017: Thessaloniki Art Fair (Technohoros gallery)
2016: kodra field – mind the gap 2016,Thessaloniki
2016:The Book(Re-Imagined),The Mojo Gallery,Dubai
2015: WAD poetry 2015, Delft, Holland.
2015:The Big White gallery, Mykonos, Greece.
2014: “Installations’’, Bay Hamam (Bath Paradise), Thessaloniki, Greece.
2014:“Lord Byron”, Christos & Sophia Moschandreou Contemporary Art Gallery, Missolonghi,
2014:Pader-Kultur, Paderborn, Germany.
2013: Walking with Cavafy, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt.
2012: Cavafy Museum – Cavafy home, Alexandria, Egypt.
2012: “Letter of pleasure”, Gallery im Schloss Dryburg, Bad Langensalza, Germany.
2012:“Extraversion”, Sismanoglio Megaro, Istanbul, Turkey.
2011: 15th Lulea Biennale, LAB11, Sweden.
2011: Sofia Paper Art Biennale, Bulgaria.
2011:“Ithaka”, World Art Delft, Delft, Holland.
2010: “Aftermath”, 25th Alexandria Biennale, Alexandria, Egypt.
Изложба ће бити отворена до 21. марта 2018. године.